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【摘    要】:蓋挖逆作法施工的基坑在頂板施工并覆土完成后,需要進行生產(chǎn)性抽水試驗,以地鐵項目為例,采用降水井內(nèi)預置的振弦式孔隙水壓計的施工工藝,從而換算出坑內(nèi)降水井水位變化情況,以保證生產(chǎn)性抽水試驗的順利進行。


【中圖分類號】:U231.3 【文獻標志碼】:C 【文章編號】:1008-3197(2024)04-26-03


Discussion on the Construction Technology of Production Pumping Test for

Foundation Pit by Inverted Construction Method

LI Guoyao,MA Tao,WANG Jing

(Shanghai Changkai Geotechnical Engineering Co. Ltd.,Shanghai 200093,China)

【Abstract】:For the basement excavated by the inverted construction method, after the top slab is completed and the soil is covered, a production water test is required. Using a subway project as an example,the construction process involves placing a piezoelectric porosity water pressure gauge in the well to calculate the water level change in the well, thereby ensuring the successful completion of the production water test.

【Key words】:inverted construction method;water test;foundation pit dewatering; piezoelectric porosity water pressure gauge;subway

