
A Surprise Message驚喜留言

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Eli walked to school every day. Whenthe last bell rang, he also walked home. Histrip took him across the playground, an oldhouse, and across the street near his house.The house burned down years ago, butthere were still flowers and trees to showthat people used to live there.

One day, Eli watched a blue jay1 flyinto the old tree near the house. Blue jayswere always the loudest birds in town, butEli wasn’t afraid of them. The jayshouted and then flew up to a higherbranch2. With the bird gone, Eli noticedthat there was a bright red streak3 on thebranch. Eli walked toward the tree to geta closer look.

The red streak was an old balloon. Elitook it and found there was still a longstring4 attached5. At the end of thestring, Eli was surprised to see a plastic6bag. There was a piece of white paperinside. He opened the bag to find outwhat it was. Oh, it was a letter! Eli read it:

