
Global Running Day全球跑步日

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Global Running Day is a celebration2 of running all over the world. Itencourages3 people of all ages to get moving. This day plays an important role. Ittells us that running can do much good to our health.

Many people all over the world run out on the open road and enjoy thenatural beauty4. You don’t need to be a scientist to know that running is good foryou. It is a great exercise to improve your physical5 health. It can help yourmental health, too. You will feel relaxed and less worried after running.

Did you try running before and find it too hard for you? Make a better planand try it again before giving up. If you’ve never run before, then all your need istime and practice. Take as long as you need to finish the running. You can run afull 5 kilometers without stopping after practicing for some time.

Here are some tips to help you with your running: Running puts a lot ofpressure6 on your feet, so be sure to buy a good pair of running shoes. Alwayswarm up and cool down. Run for 60 seconds then walk for 60 seconds. This willmake you run longer.

The only way to celebrate7 Global Running Day is to get out and start torun. Put on your running shoes, get out of the house and go running now.

