An Analysis of Shun Pao’s Reports of
Liu Manqing’s Three Visits to Tibet (1929-1940)
Zhang AoYuan Aizhong
(School of Journalism and Communication, Xizang Minzu University, Xianyang, 712000)
Abstract: As the leading newspaper in modern China, Shun Pao made lengthy and detailed reports on Liu Manqing’s three trips to Tibet: the first one was a self-invited trip to Tibet on which he was ordered to levy taxes; the second was a commissioned trip to mediate a dispute between Kham and Tibet; and the third one was another trip to Kham and Tibet to fight against the Japanese Aggression and to promote political orders and appease the people.The report on Liu Manqing’s three trips to Tibet portrayed her as an imperial envoy to the border territories, a patriot and a heroine who was fearless of difficulties and dangers, full of wit, and committed to maintaining national unity.
Keywords: Liu Manqing; Shun Pao; report of the Tibet visit