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panic n.恐慌

horror n.恐懼

terror n.恐怖

fright n.驚駭

alarm n.警報;驚恐

dreadfulness n.恐怖

panic?stricken adj. 恐慌的;驚慌失措的

scared adj. 害怕的

frightened adj. 害怕的

petrified adj. 驚呆的;嚇呆的

horrified adj. 驚恐的;恐怖的

terrified adj. 恐懼的;害怕的

shaken adj. 恐懼的;震驚的

startled adj. 受驚嚇的;吃驚的

scary adj. 嚇人的;可怕的

bleak adj. 暗淡的;凄涼的

dreary adj. 沉悶的;枯燥的

miserable adj. 痛苦的;悲慘的

alarmed adj. 驚恐的;擔心的

shaky adj. 發(fā)抖的;不穩(wěn)的

in a state of panic 處于恐慌狀態(tài)

freeze with fear 嚇呆了;驚呆了

be petrified with fear 嚇呆了;驚呆了

be terrified out of ones mind 極度害怕

be scared stiff 嚇得發(fā)僵

tremble with fear 因害怕而發(fā)抖

be shaken to the core 十分震驚

pale with fright 嚇得面色蒼白

be beside oneself with fear 非常害怕

quake with fear 因害怕而顫抖

be paralyzed with fear 因恐懼而全身癱軟

be stricken with fear 被恐懼困擾

be crippled with terror 極度驚恐

be full of dread 充滿恐懼

be horrified beyond measure 驚恐萬分

a quivering wreck 顫抖不止

be horrified at the thought of something 一想到某事就害怕

in a cold sweat 渾身冒冷汗

be paralyzed by one's fears 被恐懼擊垮

shiver all over 全身發(fā)抖

tremble from head to toe 從頭到腳都在顫抖

uncontrollable fear 無法控制的恐懼

gut?wrenching fear 使人腸子都擰緊的恐懼

in a cold sweat of terror 因害怕而冒冷汗

be overpowered by fear 被恐懼壓倒

be petrified by terror 被嚇呆了

be stricken with terror 驚恐萬分

tremble uncontrollably 難以控制地發(fā)抖


My heart raced as an overwhelming sense of fear washed over me. 我心跳加速,一種強烈的恐懼感籠罩著我。(剩余3733字)
