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anxious adj. 焦慮的

nervous adj. 緊張的

worried adj. 擔(dān)心的

stressed adj. 壓力大的

uneasy adj. 心神不安的

tense adj. 緊張的

agitated adj. 焦慮不安的

apprehensive adj. 憂慮的

panicky adj. 驚慌的

distressed adj. 痛苦的

restless adj. 不安的

pensive adj. 憂慮的

troubled adj. 憂慮的

insecure adj. 無把握的

unsettled adj. 不安定的

trapped adj. 困惑的

disquieted adj. 憂慮的

petrified adj. 恐慌的

concerned adj. 憂慮的

rattled adj. 緊張的

jumpy adj. 緊張不安的

pressured adj. 壓力大的

unease n. 不安

apprehension n. 憂慮

distress n. 憂慮

stress n. 壓力

grief n. 悲傷

panic n. 驚慌

on edge 緊張不安

anxious and uneasy 緊張不安

nerves on edge 神經(jīng)緊繃

on tenterhooks 提心吊膽

be burdened with worries 憂慮重重

walk on thin ice 如履薄冰

in constant worry 擔(dān)心不已

in a state of unease 處于不安的狀態(tài)

at a loss 不知所措

nervous wreck 精神高度緊張

on pins and needles 如坐針氈

fail to sleep 夜不能寐

unbearable pressure 無法忍受的壓力

mixed feelings 五味雜陳

be filled with apprehension 提心吊膽

be plagued by worries 困擾不已

be filled with dread 心生畏懼

mind in chaos 心亂如麻

nightmarish experience 噩夢般的經(jīng)歷

be filled with doubts 心存疑慮

under intense pressure 承受巨大壓力

in extreme worry 憂慮萬分

endless anxiety 焦慮不已

in low spirits 情緒低落

be deeply trapped 深陷困境

rack one's brains 某人絞盡腦汁

be surrounded by troubles 四面楚歌

in a state of indecision 猶豫不定


The constant uncertainty makes me feel on edge. 持續(xù)的不確定性讓我感到緊張不安。(剩余3366字)
