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Recommended Aerospace Books航天相關(guān)書籍推薦

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4 月23 日是世界讀書日,投入航天的懷抱可以先從閱讀開始。

1. The Road to Asking Heaven—A Documentary on the Development of China’s Aerospace


This book’s author depicts the “Road to Asking Heaven” thatgenerations of aerospace personnel have embarked on, from theDongfanghong satellite to manned spaceflight, from the Chang’elunar exploration to the Beidou Navigation Satellite System, fromthe 1)pioneers of China’s 2)atomic and space industries to thenew generation of astronauts, using detailed historical materialsand 3)firsthand interview materials. This fully showcases themagnificent scene of the Chinese nation’s millennia-long dreamof flying into space becoming a reality. From ancient times to the present, the Chinese people’s imagination of space hasalways been filled with romance, and now space is no longer anunattainable dream.

