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Avoid consuming staple foods?May decline the brain function


In our daily diet, staples[ 主食]like rice and noodles are essential.There’s a growing concern aboutclaims that excessive stapleconsumption leads to weight gainand diabetes[ 糖尿?。? Does cuttingout staples have a positive impact on health? If you consistentlyavoid consuming staple foods and have insufficient carbohydrateintake, your body will need to convert fats or proteins to maintainstable blood sugar levels. This can lead to certain adverse effects onthe body, such as metabolic disruptions.

When blood sugar levels are not maintained steadily, itcan result in symptoms such as low mood, irritability[ 易怒], andrestlessness[煩躁]. The brain requires a daily intake of 130 grams ofstarch to fuel its energy needs. Prolonged avoidance of staple foodscan lead to a decline in brain function. Therefore, the long-termavoidance of staple foods is not a recommended practice.

