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Technical Analysis of a Car Squatting Accident Caused by the Detachment of a Nylon Anti Rope Wheel in an Elevator Counterweight

LAI Yueyang1, ZHANG Hongming1, DAI Qingyou2, LIANG Guangzhi2

( 1 Xiamen Special Equipment Inspection and Testing Institute, Xiamen 361012, Fujian, China )

( 2 Guangdong Special Equipment Testing and Research Institute, Foshan 528251, Guangdong, China )

Abstract:  This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of an elevator accident in which the nylon anti-rope wheel (diversion sheave) in the counterweight detached, resulting in the elevator car squatting at the bottom. Through site investigation, functional verification, performance testing, video surveillance analysis, and interviews with relevant personnel, the accident process is reconstructed. The various links and factors contributing to the accident are analyzed, and the causes of the elevator accident are thoroughly investigated and verified. Based on the analysis, relevant suggestions for the safe use of nylon anti-rope wheels and governor-safety gear are proposed.

Key Words:  Nylon anti-rope wheel; Governor-safety gear; Failure; Suggestions

1 事故電梯概況

