中圖分類號:D922.294 文獻標志碼:A
On the Relationship Among Employment Salvage Payment,Maritime Lien and General Average
SI Yuzhuo, WU Xu
(Law School,Dalian Maritime University,Dalian 116026,China)
Abstract:Employment salvage refers to the act rendered under a contract to pay a given sum for the services or for per diem or per horam wage, payable at all events, regardless whether the work is successful or not. There are fundamental differences in the legal nature, the principles of remuneration and the conditions of payment between employment salvage payment and salvage remuneration under the Convention. The claim for employment salvage shall not have a maritime lien, but may have a lien under the general law. If it meets the constitutive requirements of general average, it shall be allowed in general average and contributed by the beneficiaries.
Key words:employment salvage;“No cure, No pay”;maritime lien;general average