
From Tree to You從樹(shù)梢來(lái)到你面前

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Do you like to drink orange juice for breakfast?If you do, you are like many other kids. Orange juiceis a very popular drink! It is sweet and tasty. It canhelp keep you healthy, too. Let’s find out how orangejuice gets to your breakfast table!

Orange trees grow in places that are warm andsunny. When many orange trees are grown together, itis called a grove1. Oranges need lots of water to grow.Orange groves are often found near rivers. Someorange trees can grow to about 30 feet high! In thespring, the trees have white blooms2. Later, theseblooms change into oranges. An orange tree can growabout 1,200 oranges in a year! Some oranges are soldas whole fruit. But most are grown for juice.

When the oranges are big enough, they arepicked. Some of the oranges are picked by hand.Sometimes machines3 are used to pick oranges.Trucks4 filled5 with the delicious fruit are then sentto a place that makes juice.

What happens to the oranges at the juicingplant6? First, the oranges are squeezed7. Then the juice is put into bottles andcartons8. Boxes filled with the bottles and cartons are put onto big trucks. Finally, theorange juice is ready to go to stores. People can then buy and enjoy the delicious juice!

