
Cali Loses a Tooth卡利掉牙

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The little girl stuck1 her finger inmouth. Something felt different. When shetouched her bottom teeth, one of themmoved. She wiggled2 it. It was loose3.

Cali looked at her face in the bathroommirror. Her teeth were all there, but thatfront one on the bottom looked funny. Shepoked4 at it with her tongue5. It moved alittle. “Aunt Lisa! ”she called. Cali livedwith her aunt and uncle. “My tooth isstrange6! ”

Her aunt joined her and looked in hermouth. “Don’t worry,” said Aunt Lisa.“You have a loose tooth. That means youare growing up! ”

“I don’t know if I like that,” saidCali. She loved the idea of growing up, butthinking about one of her teeth coming outmade her feel funny. “Then I will have ahole in my head.”That seemed strange.

