
Thunder Birds, Australia's Big Ugly Ducklings象鳥,澳大利亞的巨型丑小鴨

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The world’s biggest-ever bird weighedas much as a cow and lived in Australia until50,000 years ago.

The flightless Dromornis stirtoni1plodded along on two hind legs. It was thelargest member of an extinct group ofcreatures called the mihirungs—based on anAboriginal word for giant2 bird.

In a new research, scientists describedhow they analysed3 the ancient skulls4 ofmihirungs to get a better idea of their brains.

They discovered that the animals’hugeheads left little room for brains, giving riseto some strangely shaped skulls.

“Together with their large, forward -facing eyes and very large beaks5, the shapeof their brains and nerves suggested thesebirds likely had well-developed depth perception6and fed on a diet of soft leaves andfruit,”said study lead author.

世界上最大的鳥有一頭牛那么重,它5 萬年前生活在澳大利亞。(剩余1946字)
