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Lizards of all kinds have along history representing goodluck. Many people worldwideregard the friendly gecko1 as the guardian2 of the home.

In Ancient Greece and Rome lizardssymbolized wisdom and good fortune. InAncient Rome images of lizards could befound on gravestones3. They representedhope and a good life after death. Their abilityto discard and regrow the tail represents renewal4.

In Ancient Egypt the lizard symbol intheir hieroglyphic5 meant “plentiful6” or“rich”. They were also linked to productivenessin Ancient Egypt. Still today the lizardis considered extremely lucky.

Charms in the shape of lizards are wornto bring good luck. The Spanish andPortuguese may put the decoration of a lizardor gecko (a small friendly variety of thelizard) on the wall of their home to attractgood luck.

It is considered very lucky for pregnant7 women to see a lizard or a gecko.Seeing a gecko or any other kind of lizardforetells that her child will live a long andrich life.

