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中圖分類號:R197                                    文獻標識碼:B                                DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1006-1959.2023.22.010


Application of Different Wearable Body Temperature Measurement Devices

in Fever Screening Management of Major Public Health Events

LI Qian1,2,LI Hong-xia1,LI Bao-zhen1,YE Feng1,ZHANG Qi1

(1.Infection Control Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University,Xi’an 710061,Shaanxi,China;

2.School of Public Policy and Management,Xi'an Jiaotong University,Xi’an 710049,Shaanxi,China)

Abstract:Based on the summary of the epidemic characteristics and clinical symptoms of common respiratory infectious diseases, this article sorts out the diseases with fever as the main symptom and compares the advantages and disadvantages of common temperature screening tools. It is proposed that when the temperature screening is initiated for a public health emergency, a suitable temperature screening tool should be selected according to the screening population and scene. At the same time, in view of the current severe situation of overseas input, it is recommended to choose an intelligent temperature measurement bracelet for the centralized medical observation crowd to improve the accuracy and efficiency of monitoring.

Key words:Respiratory infectious disease;Fever;Fever screening

傳染?。╥nfectious diseases)是由病原體引起的能在人、動物之間相互傳播的一類疾病。(剩余5386字)
