
Guarding Our Skies

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Getreadytowitnesstheamazingdevelop-ment of China ’s airforce this May!

Bornto Fly was releasedinChinaon April28. The movie follows a group of air force pilotstestingthenewestgenerationofChina ’sflyingtechnology. They must first undergo a difficult test-ing process to see if they have what it takes to beinvolvedindangerousresearch.Onceselected,they test the new planes to their limits, facing themany risks involved in experimental technology.

The value of this hard work is clear. By theendof the movie,China ’sadvancedairforce isable to outwit and speed past its opponents, usingtheir newly developed jets to show their newfoundpower.

The J-20 fighter jet, representing the most ad-vancedtechnologicalachievementsof China,hasbeenasuperstarsinceitwasfirstseenflyingin2016. Born to Fly provides everyone with a 360-de-gree ultra-close view of the J- 20. This is the firstmovie in history to feature a real J- 20 aircraft. Asthe movie follows the test pilot ’s view, the audi-ence is given a look at this national treasure fromall angles. The beauty of J-20 presented in the mov-ie arouses patriotism among the Chinese audience.

Thedifference betweengenerationsof pilotsisalsoseenon- screen.Althoughequallybrave,younger generations have a better understanding ofthe aircraft technology. The main character ’s will-ingness to use his engineering and English skills tolearn about aircraft from all over the world standsout as an inspirational part of the movie.


4 月 28 日,電影《長空之王》全國上映。(剩余455字)
