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[摘要] 受試驗方法學、試劑、標本狀態(tài)和獻血者個體因素等影響,部分獻血者因血液篩查單試劑反應性被永久屏蔽,因未做進一步的確證試驗可能為假反應性,對此國內(nèi)很多采供血機構在進行獻血者的歸隊工作。本文就獻血者歸隊的定義、歸隊指南的版本更新、國內(nèi)采供血機構進行歸隊工作情況作一綜述。

[關鍵詞] 無償獻血;假反應性;獻血者歸隊

[中圖分類號] R457

[文獻標志碼] A

[文章編號] 2096-5532(2024)04-0630-03doi:10.11712/jms.2096-5532.2024.60.126


[網(wǎng)絡出版] https://link.cnki.net/urlid/37.1517.R.20240919.1020.004;2024-09-20 08:23:39

Current status and reflection of the reentry of blood donors in China

FENG Qiuxia, HOU Yun, PAN Haiping, YANG Zhongsi(Qingdao Blood Center, Qingdao 266071, China); [Abstract]Due to the influence of test methodology, reagents, specimen status, and individual factors of blood donors, some blood donors have been permanently shielded due to single-reagent reactivity in blood screening, which might be false reactivity due to the lack of further confirmatory tests, and in this regard, blood collection and supply institutions in China are carrying out the reentry of blood donors. This article reviews the definition of blood donor reentry, version updates of reentry guidelines, and the reentry work of blood collection and supply institutions in China.

[Key words]voluntary blood donation; false reactive; blood donor reentry

隨著酶聯(lián)免疫吸附試驗(ELISA)方法和核酸檢測技術(NAT)的發(fā)展,試劑靈敏度不斷提高,在降低血液輸血風險的同時不可避免導致檢測結果假反應性增多[1-6],如梅毒螺旋體(TP)篩查反應性標本經(jīng)確證后,陽性率僅約0. 28%[7]。(剩余7738字)

