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【摘 要】 痛經(jīng)為女性常見病、多發(fā)病,臨床以原發(fā)性痛經(jīng)為主。杜小利教授認為瘀血為痛經(jīng)主要致病因素,治療中重視病證結合,分期治療,以活血化瘀為主要原則,輔以理氣、溫胞、清濕熱,突出了鮮明的中醫(yī)藥特色,臨床療效顯著,其臨床診治痛經(jīng)的經(jīng)驗值得推廣應用。

【關鍵詞】 痛經(jīng);瘀血;寒凝;氣滯;杜小利教授;專家經(jīng)驗

【中圖分類號】R249.2/.7 【文獻標志碼】 A 【文章編號】1007-8517(2023)15-0101-03


Abstract:Menstrual pain is a common disease in women, with primary menstrual pain as the main clinical feature. Professor Du Xiaoli believes that blood stasis is the main cause of menstrual pain. Treatment attaches importance to the combination of medical evidence and staged treatment. The main principle is to activate blood stasis, supplemented by qi, warmth and dampness. The clinical effect is significant. The experience of clinical diagnosis and treatment of menstrual pain deserves to be promoted.

Keywords:Dysmenorrhea; Blood Stasis; Cold Coagulation; Qi Stagnation; Professor Du Xiaoli; Expert Experience

