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appreciative adj. 感激的

grateful adj. 感激的

excited adj. 激動(dòng)的

ecstatic adj. 狂喜的

thrilled adj. 極為激動(dòng)的

overjoyed adj. 極度高興的

thankful adj. 感謝的

gratefulness n. 感激之情

thankfulness n. 感恩之情

impassioned adj. 激昂的

delirious adj. 極度興奮的

gratitude n. 感恩之情

excitement n. 興奮

thrill n. 激動(dòng)

touched adj. 受感動(dòng)的

thrilling adj. 激動(dòng)人心的

be grateful beyond words 無(wú)法言表的感激

be overwhelmed with gratitude 感激不已

burst with joy 欣喜若狂

be filled with appreciation 充滿感激

tremendously grateful 非常感激

be thrilled to bits 欣喜若狂

be deeply moved 深受感動(dòng)

be grateful from the bottom of one’s heart某人由衷感激

be filled with immense gratitude 飽含無(wú)盡感激

excited beyond belief 無(wú)比興奮

be inspired beyond words 受到難以言喻的鼓舞

gratitude from the depths of one‘s soul 發(fā)自某人心靈深處的感激

be moved to tears 感動(dòng)得落淚

be grateful for the kindness 對(duì)好意心懷感激

be excited beyond measure 無(wú)可估量的興奮

immensely thankful 極度感激

be truly touched 被真實(shí)地打動(dòng)

be thrilled to pieces 興奮得不得了

be excited to the core 發(fā)自內(nèi)心地興奮

be thankful from the depths of one’s heart衷心感激


I cannot express how grateful and thrilled I am to receive this incredible opportunity.我無(wú)法表達(dá)我有多么感激和興奮能夠得到這個(gè)不可思議的機(jī)會(huì)。(剩余4457字)
