
Teeth regrowing treatment:A natural solution牙齒再生治療:一種自然的解決方案

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主題語境:科技與健康 篇幅:286詞 建議用時:6分鐘

1 Very few people enjoy going to the dentist, especially for a filling. Often fillings need tobe replaced during the patients lifetime. But is filling the cavity (蛀牙洞) with aforeign material really the best treatment? Is it possible that the tooth could repair itselfwith its own material—dentine (牙質(zhì))? Researchers at Kings College London havefound a process that may replace the traditional method.

2 Paul Sharpe of Kings College London says the new treatment for cavities is simpler. Ituses a drug that causes the tooth to fill in the hole naturally with dentine.“ It involvesputting a drug in the hole. It excites a natural process, which starts to occur anywayfollowing the damage, so you can actually get the big hole repaired and the repair is theproduction of the natural material, the dentine.”

3 Usually a new drug requires repeated testing before it is approved for treatment. However,this drug that produces the regrowth material in teeth has already been approved.It is a drug used to treat Alzheimers disease and other disorders of the nervous system.Researchers explain that they use only a small amount and they use it locally. Usuallythat means the medicine is put directly on the affected area. It does not travel throughthe patients blood.

4 Nigel Carter heads Britains Oral Health Foundation. He describes the new treatmentas an exciting possibility for dental care. But Carter also has a warning,“ Actually regrowingteeth that have been lost with cavities would be really a huge step forward. Butits also important that we remember that filling the cavity is not the first place. Its apreventable disease.”



1. When it comes to the dental treatment, researchers at Kings College London focus on .

A. why the cavity must be filled

B. what skills dentists should learn

C. when people have to see a dentist

D. how the tooth can repair itself

2. The advantage of the new treatment for cavities mostly lies in .

A. the full use of a new drug

B. the natural process of tooth repair

C. the good quality of filling materials

D. the practical way of finding the damage early

3. What do we know about the drug used for the new dental treatment?

A. It has little effect on Alzheimers disease.

B. It is being tested before it gets final approval.

C. It has been put to use for treating other diseases.

D. It travels through the patients blood and has side effects.

4. Which of the following would Nigel Carter most probably agree with?

A. We should take good care of our teeth in daily life.

B. When you find the cavity, it is unnecessary to get it filled.

C. Taking exercise is the best way to prevent dental disease.

D. When you find a damaged tooth, youd better repair it.



Ⅰ. Difficult sentence in the text

But it's also important that we remember that filling the cavity is not the first place. 但是同樣重要的是我們要記住,填充蛀牙并不是首要選擇。(剩余266字)
