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摘  要:新的時代背景下,檔案工作的變革與發(fā)展面臨著新局面和新選擇。以檔案工作中存在的主要矛盾和問題為切入點,提出檔案工作在管理、法規(guī)和信息化三個方向變革的目標和任務,在此基礎上進一步明確檔案工作發(fā)展的三條路徑,即頂層設計謀全局,法治保障明監(jiān)督,平臺建設促轉型。


Abstract:  Under the background of the new era, the reform and development of Archives work is facing new situations and new choices. It is the logical starting point of this paper to discuss how to find a new direction and development path from the principal contradiction. This paper analyzes the principal contradictions and problems existing in the current Archives work, and puts forward the goals and tasks of the Archives work in the three directions of management, regulations and information. On this basis, further clarify the three development paths of Archives work, that is, the top-level design seeks the overall situation, the rule of law ensure clear supervision and platform construction to promote transformation.

Keywords: Archives work reform; Archives work development; Principal contradictions in archives work

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