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摘  要:通過對L字形骨科接骨板進行工藝分析,采用SurfMill軟件進行軟件編程,進行了虛擬仿真加工和實際加工,驗證了加工工藝和SurfMill軟件的相應模塊,證明了工藝方案的可行性和國產SurfMill軟件的可靠性,為骨科接骨板加工制造提供一種新方案。


中圖分類號:TH162        文獻標志碼:A

Research and practice of orthopedic plate processing based on SurfMill software

LIU Yanshen1,3,WANG Shuai2,3

(1. Shaanxi Polytechnic Institute, Xianyang 712000, Shaanxi, China;

2. Xian Jingdiao Precision Mechanical Engineering Co., Ltd, Xian 710000, Shaanxi, China;

3. Precision Processing Technology R&D Center of Shaanxi Polytechnic Institute,

Xianyang 712000, Shaanxi, China)

Abstract: By analyzing the process of Lshaped orthopedic plate and using SurfMill software for software programming, the process and SurfMill software were verified by virtual simulation processing and actual processing, which proved the feasibility of the process plan and the reliability of the domestic SurfMill software.

Key words: orthopedic plate; five axis orientation; analysis on technological processes; SurfMill software; virtual machining technology

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